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Here at MITA Eyewear, we pride ourselves on upcycling and offering sustainable, eco-friendly frames for the every-day. Our mission is to play a significant role in solving the low recycling rates across the world, reducing the amount of trash that enters our oceans and landfills. But our commitment to ethical fashion doesn’t stop there. We want to reduce the world’s carbon footprint and preserve our planet for generations, one plastic bottle at a time. Want to minimize your environmental footprint while staying up-to-date on the latest trends? Find environmental initiatives, eco-friendly fashion tips, and more on our sustainable fashion blog!

Guía de regalos de anteojos sostenibles 101: anteojos para todos + rellenos de calcetines sostenibles

¿Qué deberías regalarle a todas las personas queridas en tu vida en esta temporada navideña? Ayudemos Hemos seleccionado los mejores regalos para a...
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Su guía para comprar monturas ópticas ecológicas y sostenibles

Los anteojos hacen mucho más que corregir nuestra visión y proteger nuestros ojos. Son una declaración de moda y una de las formas más sencillas d...
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Guía de estilo de gafas de Halloween de MITA

Todavía no estoy seguro de qué disfrazarme Víspera de Todos los Santos ¿el próximo sábado? Te tenemos cubierto. Encuentre inspiración para su disfr...
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Nuestro compromiso

Toda marca tiene unos pilares que la guían en el desarrollo de sus productos y en la relación con sus clientes. En MITA, hemos tenido un compromiso...
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At MITA Eyewear, we’re committed to sustainability. It’s not just what we do, it’s who we are. All of our sustainably designed ethical fashion frames are made from recycled materials– but there’s more to our sustainability efforts. Discover how we’re involved with local and community efforts to reduce our environmental footprint, one frame at a time.


Looking for ways to reduce your carbon footprint, but don’t know where to start? Our ethical fashion tips and eco-friendly challenges have everything you need to start your own sustainability journey and still make a statement. Anyone can help reduce the effects of plastic pollution with easy, day-to-day changes. From volunteering at local organizations to committing to driving less, learn how to lessen your personal impact on the planet. Find out more about what you can do to build a better future for generations to come with MITA BEATS.

Want to learn more about ethical fashion? Stay up to date with the latest stories on our sustainable fashion blog by joining our newsletter below!

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